Today’s event was a chance to work on skills that can help us improve as orienteers. Bob Boltz set a course targeted at two skills. Read more…

Today’s event was a chance to work on skills that can help us improve as orienteers. Bob Boltz set a course targeted at two skills. Read more…
This training is for orienteers that would like to improve their map reading skills and practice a smoother style as you traverse a course. Two different types of practice will be employed.
Using handrails is an easy way to get from one control to the next. A handrail is a feature you can easily follow out in the woods, like a trail, water feature, distinct contour line (like running along a ridge line), or something similar. In the example below, the trail acts as the handrail from control 1 to control 2.
Orienteering mapping and course design clinic that will focus on both theory and application of course design, the practical and technical aspects of designing courses using software, and setting courses. For experienced orienteers only. Bring your own laptop if desired, but workshop will start in a computer lab with the software already loaded. Click on the post for more information, and to register. Registration required!
I volunteered to pick up a few controls after the Python Goat event a few weekend’s ago, and got my assignment for which controls to grab. They happened to be controls on the part of the course I didn’t run, so I took my time in navigating to each one, paying particular attention to the finer details of the map, or micro-orienteering, that I normally would during a race.
Emelie, 7, describes and demos how she rotates the map as she goes orienteering, always keeping it track of map vs. reality.
Here are five basic skills that you need to practice to help you get better at orienteering. 1. Fold your map – Always make sure that you fold your map so that you can easily see the part of the map where you are. 2. Orient your map – Always make sure that your map is the correct […]
Here’s a great video compilation of Thierry Gueorgiou running – both what he sees, as well as GPS / map tracking as he goes a long. A great visual, and some good learning tips from a master of orienteering.