2017 Canoe-O Events Latest Results Orienteering Past Events

RESULTS | Canoe-O at Walborn Reservoir 2017


Sanae Rogers, Event Director for the day, reports:

Who could’ve asked for a better day to have our annual Canoe-O?

The temperature was in comfortable low 80’s, partly cloudy (which gave us nice shade), no rain and no worries about incremental weather. Perfect weather for 2.5 hours of on the water and land.

We had a record breaking 64 participants with total of 37 solos/team (Hooray!) We are so happy to see this event is growing and seeing so many faces coming back each year.

This year’s course was designed by Steve Hendrix. Unlike last 2 years, there was no mystery controls hidden, which made for easier to plan routes for the orienteers.

As number of participants increased, the competition became tougher. The top 3 kayak soloists were able to bag all 30 controls, with Phillip Wadsworth and Mark Vernon (Rand Orienteering Club), doing it in 125 and 131 minutes respectively.

Stephen Johnson remained undefeated champ 3 years in a row, finishing in 104 minutes.

The top 3 Team kayaks were also able to collect all controls. Renee & Mike Whittenberger came in 3rd, behind Cynthia & Erik Usis, with Brad Lohiser & Jennifer Robinson winning the category. Although 10 points were lost as penalty, Jay Williams became the top canoeing soloist. In Canoeing teams, we saw Amy Frank-Hensley & Sean Hensley as repeated campions, who also collected them all.

Special thanks to Trevor Householder and Nick Pfeiffer from Stark County Parks. Without them, this event would have not been as successful and enjoyable as we did. They provided enough boats (they even stopped boat rental at the store until our event started), volunteered as registrar, patrolled with their boat during the event to make sure everybody was OK, and even collected controls at the end!

Hope all enjoyed and we will see you next year!


We have one lost compass. If you think it’s yours, please show up at next event (August 19th at Brecksville)


  • Event Director (in training): Sanae Rogers
  • Jedi Master MACE WINDU : Howard Montgomery
  • Course Designer: Steve Hendrix
  • Registrar: Trevor Householder, Howard Montgomery
  • Boats Rental and Patrol: Nick Pfeiffer
  • Course Set-Up: Steve Hendrix land controls on south side, and Ivan Redinger and Andreas Johansson for the water controls and everything else north of the bridge.
  • Control Pickup: Trevor Householder, Nick Pfeiffer, Todd Pownell, Phil Wadsworth, Mark Vernon, Bob Boltz.


See all the photos we have, in this Google Photos album. Photos by Andreas and Sanae. Took your own? Send them our way, and we’ll add them!


Canoe Single

Canoe Team

Kayak Single

Kayak Team

See the full spreadsheet here.

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