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Results | 2019 Python Adventure Race


See the explanation at the bottom of this section, regarding the Xtra points assigned for the 10 hour course.

Python 2019 - 3 Hour Results

3 hour  (28/30)  30 Controls  830 Pts   3:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

  Pl Bib    Name                                     Pts    Time  Pty  Score 

   1 774    Kostansek Dave                           790 2:51:31         790 
   2 776    Look Ma no Hands                         750 2:58:54         750 
   3 707    Young and Ruthless                       610 2:56:38         610 
   4 763    Maize&Blue Nav Crew                      560 2:51:32         560 
   5 773    Brothers                                 480 2:49:17         480 
   6        Getrost Kai                              460 2:51:29         460 
   7 782    Widmer Jason                             440 2:51:46         440 
   8 716    Albro Sandra                             430 3:00:59   -1    429 
   9 775    Smink Jay                                410 3:09:41  -10    400 
  10 772    Lost in the Maze                         370 3:06:13   -7    363 
  11 768    Wandering not lost                       330 2:52:41         330 
  12 784    Wiesbrook Lois                           330 3:01:25   -2    328 
  13 724    Robinson Jennifer                        320 2:56:31         320 
  14 770    WPOC Elder                               300 2:48:15         300 
  15 730    Avery Mike                               300 3:26:47  -27    273 
  16 767    RA Team                                  270 2:53:16         270 
  17 765    Rogers Sanae                             270 3:10:23  -11    259 
  18        Helderman John                           240 2:57:25         240 
  19 764    Alias Russ & Jones                       230 2:59:00         230 
  20 736    Looney Tunes                             220 2:25:04         220 
  21 769    REDMOND JIM                              220 2:44:15         220 
  22 780    Kullman Emily                            220 3:11:32  -12    208 
  23 783    Lost Sisters                             170 3:04:39   -5    165 
  24 778    Outdoor adventurers                      150 2:57:38         150 
  25 711    Rocky Hollow Production                   90 3:01:49   -2     88 
  26 766    Daniels Doug                              60 2:54:45          60 
  27 771    Turtle Team                               80 3:22:24  -23     57 
  28 777    Wilderness Force                          50 2:44:59          50
Python 2019 Results - 10 Hour - No Categories

10 hour  (41/43)   70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

  Pl Bib    Name                       Pts      Time  Pty Xtra  Score 

   1 916    Grant Tim                 2860   9:30:15      +220   3080 
   2 902    Fisher Sydney             3000   9:55:09       +80   3080 
   3 904    Raccoongainer             2860   9:51:50             2860 
   4 926    Thompson Brian            2830   9:51:52       +10   2840 
   5 910    Pole Bender               2600   9:53:32       +60   2660 
   6 901    Fisher Kevin              2630   9:24:23             2630 
   7 923    Shimizu Shin              2590   9:27:29             2590 
   8 917    Pownell Todd              2470   9:24:49       +30   2500 
   9 909    IndyXpress Clif Accl      2240   9:49:44       +10   2250 
  10 903    Barak Yaki                2210   9:58:38       +10   2220 
  11 925    BeeRingers                2130   9:41:44       +20   2150 
  12 938    CONTROL Freaks            2070   9:40:15       +10   2080 
  13 937    ThunderRoad Solo KLL      2040   9:50:31       +20   2060 
  14 929    We tried!                 2030   9:36:50       +20   2050 
  15 919    Tarry Stephen             1990   9:51:29       +60   2050 
  16 930    Aimless Wanderers         1840   9:41:47       +20   1860 
  17 932    Turanchik Bob             1820   9:27:09             1820 
  18 915            1780   9:44:20       +20   1800 
  19 928    Plutz Matt                1790   9:45:36             1790 
  20 934    bugs                      1790   9:45:39             1790 
  21 918    Glacial Speed             1740   9:57:44       +20   1760 
  22 927    Pepple Tracy              1620   9:32:34       +30   1650 
  23 931    Swamp Things              1620   9:50:24             1620 
  24 924    Wadsworth Phillip         1600   9:48:14       +10   1610 
  25 905    Yudovina Tatiana          1590   9:48:40             1590 
  26 936    McCandless Bus Co.        1480   9:29:52       +20   1500 
  27 933    Flak Tod                  1480   9:26:28             1480 
  28 906    Price Jamey               1440   7:47:19       +20   1460 
  29 762    Team V                    1360   8:23:46       +10   1370 
  30 921    Gamera and Godzilla       1270   9:52:21       +50   1320 
  31 920    Average Jo                1280   9:50:56       +10   1290 
  32 939    D & D Outfitters          1030   9:45:55       +20   1050 
  33 940    Mitchell Kevin             990   9:31:10       +20   1010 
  34 913    Wagernauts                1010   9:32:28             1010 
  35 942    Team Breakdown             900   9:28:32              900 
  36 935    Scouts                     810   9:47:07              810 
  37 914    Backtrackers               770   9:39:44       +30    800 
  38 941    Which way                  660   8:57:03       +10    670 
  39 908    Madwelshman                500   7:16:45              500 
  40 907    Ross David                 350   5:48:13              350 
  41 911    Weeks Melissa              320   9:00:17       +30    350
Python 2019 Results - 10 Hour by Category

   Pl    Name                                                      Pts    Time   Pty  Xtra  Score 

10 hour Elite Men      70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Fisher Kevin                                             2630 9:24:23               2630 
    2    Swamp Things                                             1620 9:50:24               1620 
    3    McCandless Bus Co.                                       1480 9:29:52         +20   1500 

10 hour Masters Men    70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Grant Tim                                                2860 9:30:15        +220   3080 
    2    Thompson Brian                                           2830 9:51:52         +10   2840 
    3    Pole Bender                                              2600 9:53:32         +60   2660 
    4    Pownell Todd                                             2470 9:24:49         +30   2500 
    5    Turanchik Bob                                            1820 9:27:09               1820 
    6                                           1780 9:44:20         +20   1800 
    7    Plutz Matt                                               1790 9:45:36               1790 
    8    Pepple Tracy                                             1620 9:32:34         +30   1650 
    9    Flak Tod                                                 1480 9:26:28               1480 
   10    Price Jamey                                              1440 7:47:19         +20   1460 
   11    Wagernauts                                               1010 9:32:28               1010 
   12    Ross David                                                350 5:48:13                350 

10 hour Veterans Men  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Raccoongainer                                            2860 9:51:50               2860 
    2    Shimizu Shin                                             2590 9:27:29               2590 
    3    Barak Yaki                                               2210 9:58:38         +10   2220 
    4    ThunderRoad Solo KLL                                     2040 9:50:31         +20   2060 
    5    Tarry Stephen                                            1990 9:51:29         +60   2050 
    6    bugs                                                     1790 9:45:39               1790 
    7    Wadsworth Phillip                                        1600 9:48:14         +10   1610 
    8    D & D Outfitters                                         1030 9:45:55         +20   1050 
    9    Mitchell Kevin                                            990 9:31:10         +20   1010 
   10    Which way                                                 660 8:57:03         +10    670 
   11    Madwelshman                                               500 7:16:45                500 

10 hour Elite Women  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Fisher Sydney                                            3000 9:55:09         +80   3080 
    2    We tried!                                                2030 9:36:50         +20   2050 

10 hour Masters Women  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Yudovina Tatiana                                         1590 9:48:40               1590 
    2    Average Jo                                               1280 9:50:56         +10   1290 
    3    Backtrackers                                              770 9:39:44         +30    800 
    4    Weeks Melissa                                             320 9:00:17         +30    350 

10 hour Veterans Women   70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Team V                                                   1360 8:23:46         +10   1370 

10 hour Elite Mixed  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Team Breakdown                                            900 9:28:32                900 
    2    Scouts                                                    810 9:47:07                810 

10 hour Masters Mixed  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    IndyXpress Clif Accl                                     2240 9:49:44         +10   2250 
    2    BeeRingers                                               2130 9:41:44         +20   2150 
    3    CONTROL Freaks                                           2070 9:40:15         +10   2080 
    4    Aimless Wanderers                                        1840 9:41:47         +20   1860 
    5    Gamera and Godzilla                                      1270 9:52:21         +50   1320 

10 hour Veterans Mixed   70 C 3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

    1    Glacial Speed                                            1740 9:57:44         +20   1760
Python 2019 Results - 10 Hour - By Gender 

Python 2019 Results - Women

10 hour Women  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

   Pl    Name                                                      Pts    Time   Pty  Xtra  Score 

    1    Fisher Sydney                                            3000 9:55:09         +80   3080 
    2    We tried!                                                2030 9:36:50         +20   2050 
    3    Yudovina Tatiana                                         1590 9:48:40               1590 
    4    Team V                                                   1360 8:23:46         +10   1370 
    5    Average Jo                                               1280 9:50:56         +10   1290 
    6    Backtrackers                                              770 9:39:44         +30    800 
    7    Weeks Melissa                                             320 9:00:17         +30    350 

Python 2019 Results - Men

10 hour Men  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

   Pl    Name                                                      Pts    Time   Pty  Xtra  Score 

    1    Grant Tim                                                2860 9:30:15        +220   3080 
    2    Raccoongainer                                            2860 9:51:50               2860 
    3    Thompson Brian                                           2830 9:51:52         +10   2840 
    4    Pole Bender                                              2600 9:53:32         +60   2660 
    5    Fisher Kevin                                             2630 9:24:23               2630 
    6    Shimizu Shin                                             2590 9:27:29               2590 
    7    Pownell Todd                                             2470 9:24:49         +30   2500 
    8    Barak Yaki                                               2210 9:58:38         +10   2220 
    9    ThunderRoad Solo KLL                                     2040 9:50:31         +20   2060 
   10    Tarry Stephen                                            1990 9:51:29         +60   2050 
   11    Turanchik Bob                                            1820 9:27:09               1820 
   12                                           1780 9:44:20         +20   1800 
   13    Plutz Matt                                               1790 9:45:36               1790 
   14    bugs Team                                                1790 9:45:39               1790 
   15    Pepple Tracy                                             1620 9:32:34         +30   1650 
   16    Swamp Things                                             1620 9:50:24               1620 
   17    Wadsworth Phillip                                        1600 9:48:14         +10   1610 
   18    McCandless Bus Co.                                       1480 9:29:52         +20   1500 
   19    Flak Tod                                                 1480 9:26:28               1480 
   20    Price Jamey                                              1440 7:47:19         +20   1460 
   21    D & D Outfitters                                         1030 9:45:55         +20   1050 
   22    Mitchell Kevin                                            990 9:31:10         +20   1010 
   23    Wagernauts                                               1010 9:32:28               1010 
   24    Which way                                                 660 8:57:03         +10    670 
   25    Madwelshman                                               500 7:16:45                500 
   26    Ross David                                                350 5:48:13                350 

Python 2019 Results - Mixed

10 hour Mixed  70 C  3100 Pts   10:00:00 time limit - 1pt/min penalty

   Pl    Name                                                      Pts    Time   Pty  Xtra  Score 

    1    IndyXpress Clif Accl                                     2240 9:49:44         +10   2250 
    2    BeeRingers                                               2130 9:41:44         +20   2150 
    3    CONTROL Freaks                                           2070 9:40:15         +10   2080 
    4    Aimless Wanderers                                        1840 9:41:47         +20   1860 
    5    Glacial Speed                                            1740 9:57:44         +20   1760 
    6    Gamera and Godzilla                                      1270 9:52:21         +50   1320 
    7    Team Breakdown                                            900 9:28:32                900 
    8    Scouts                                                    810 9:47:07                810 

The 2019 Python team faced two software scoring issues for the 10 hour course.  We dramatically increased the number of controls this year to provide a greater challenge for the competitors.  Unfortunately, this surpassed the limits of the scoring software, OEScore v11.0, that we had been using for the previous two years without issues.

The first problem is a limitation of the maximum number of controls per course.  We were not aware that the 70 controls would exceed the software’s control maximum (64).  Six 10 point controls needed to be added in manually, if in fact, they were punched by the competitor (110 thru 115).  The OEScore v12 software addresses this issue and we are looking into an upgrade now.

The second problem is more subtle, but very seriously affected the top scoring people.  The number of punches downloaded from a single finger stick stops at 64.   No warning is given the participant nor the tabulator that this has occurred and the ignored punches, if any, are completely discarded and do not count in the competitors’ score.   For example, in this event, two competitors punched 68 controls and, as a result, their last four controls punched were ignored.

We used the ability to add extra points per team as a workaround for these two issues.  The “Xtra” column in the results shows the adjustments that we made based on the raw punch information that we collected.


The Event Resources Page contains:

  • An image file of the O Map with controls marked.   This can be used as a base for post race analysis using Quick Route or other similar programs.
  • ePunch Splits (updated with the ignored punches).
  • RouteGadget


Alexis Rzewski’s (WPOC) Photo Collection

Bob Boltz’s Special Controls

Sanae Roger’s Photo Collection

Route Choices

Alexis Rzewski’s (WPOC) Collection

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