Course Design Events NEOOC Orienteering

Course Design Clinic 2017 | Resources

Thanks for attending today’s Course Design Clinic with Bob Boltz. Here are some of the resources we worked with, along with sample map files, control descriptions, etc.

Thanks for attending today’s Course Design Clinic with Bob Boltz. Here are some of the resources we worked with, along with sample map files, control descriptions, etc.

Purple Pen | Course Design Software

  • (Download at home. Purple Pen requires Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10. If you have a Mac, you can run Parallels Desktop to run Windows, and then run Purple Pen.)

Sample Map File | Ritchie Ledges Area

Slides from today | via Bob Boltz

How do I design courses?

Control Descriptions | Mike Minium version

Control Descriptions | Expanded / IOF 2004

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2 replies on “Course Design Clinic 2017 | Resources”

I am so sorry I had to miss this, Will you be doing another one this year?

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