2016 Classic Events Latest Results Orienteering Past Events

Race Result / Kenston Woods & Campus XC / 13MAR2016

We had a great turnout for the first time using the Kenston Campus & Woods map (mapped by NEOOC’s Bob Boltz). With all courses available, from WHITE 1km to RED 6.9km, we had something to offer for everyone, and were able to find the right level of challenge and distance for all that attended. Click on the post for all the details.

2015 Events Latest Results

Race Result / North Chagrin Reservation 1 November 2015

In short, autumn beauty as far as the eye could see.

It was under these conditions that 53 participants came out and orienteered our final event of the 2015 season. I’m sure that each one of them thought, “This is tough duty, but someone has got to do it.” Because it was just that beautiful a day to be out in the woods. A number of the orienteers commented on being stunned by the number of recreational users on the park’s many trails. We are so fortunate to have the wonderful and accessible Metroparks and Cuyahoga Valley National Park in our proverbial backyard. Click the post title above or the photo to read more…

2015 Events Latest Results Orienteering

Race Result / Camp Manatoc September 19, 2015

Fifteen units of Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Crew members gathered at the Manatoc Scout Reservation on September 19th to spend the day orienteering. Many started their day receiving instructions from NEOOC members Howard Montgomery, Andreas Johansson, Ken Lappin, and Dave Dysle. Multiple courses for scouts of all skill levels had been designed and set by Tim Feaser and Steve Wells. Registration of nearly 150 scouts, and additional public participants, was deftly handled by Registrar KathyJo Rufener and Starter/Timer Rob Donaldson.

2015 Events Latest Results

Scout Championships 2015 Results (Camp Manatoc)

Here are the results from Scout Championships September 20, 2015.

2015 Events Latest Results

Race Result / THE PYTHON – A Day for Goats

While the course designer cringed while reviewing a forecast that called for a good chance of thunderstorms, many adventurous souls drove long distances and braved late summer heat to make the first use of our new Kendall map a memorable one. In addition to the ever present beginner course, the day featured three lengths in the goat format. Because there was no intermediate course, some less experienced participants struggled with the advanced level controls, but most had some level of success. Click the post for more…

2015 Latest Results

Race Result / Hinckley Score & Club Picnic August 8, 2015

One of the odd realities of orienteering is that no matter how good someone may be on the course, it can still be hard to find the event venue! Hinckley Ledges Lake seems to consistently have this effect on our members, but fortunately a large contingent of NEOOC ‘buzzards’ successfully found their way to this special event. We heard great reports from them about the orienteering and the course for this beautiful summer day. Conditions were very dry, and the vegetation thick. Click into the post to read the full results!

2015 Latest Results

Race Result / Boston Run Makeup July 25, 2015

On a spectacularly perfect Saturday morning, 25 participants took part in our first morning orienteering event. This was rescheduled from June 25th due to the deluge that took place at that time. Click into the post for the full results!

2015 Latest Results

Race Result / Walborn Reservoir Kanoe-O July 12, 2015

Walborn Reservoir has likely never seen such an enthusiastic band in search of booty. Happy that the earlier predictions of thunderstorms had missed the mark, at least 22 kayaks and 11 canoes (and a few runners headed for land controls) lined up on the beach, ready to go. Read all the results by clicking into the post!

2015 Latest Results

Race Result / Oak Hill Twilight-O June 19, 2015

OK, so the format was screwed up and there was mud pretty much everywhere. You can’t say you didn’t have a good time. We started with 28 participants on the course by 6:30 and 28 participants returned by 8:30, which is a good thing. Thank you to Richard for running the registration table and to Holly Wilgus and Andreas Johansson for handling the starting/timing/ map duties. Click in to the post for full results!

2015 Latest Results

Race Result / Falls Quest June 7, 2015

A big thank you to Neil Dollinger, Randy Mitchell, Michaele MacGeorge, Fran Kern and Phil Nelson for helping with set up, registration, awards and cleanup. The Natatorium also deserves our appreciation for providing us a room at no charge. There were a good number of participants in the free family version exploring the center of town. A number said they had never seen some of the locations visited. Click into the post for the full report!