Event Director & Course Setter ePunch Resources

Printed copies of all of this material is also included in the ePunch equipment box:

ePunch Equipment and Printout Station Instructions

ePunch and Print Station Instructions (PDF)

This is a short 2 pages of instruction: 1st page for the Orienteers/participants or for those instructing Orienteers/participants; 2nd page for Volunteers using the ePunch equipment and ePunch Printout Station.

ePunch Time Synchronization Procedure

Time Sync’ing ePunch Equipment (PDF)

This 2 page, marked up document/procedure describes how to use the SI-Master / Clear Control to synchronize the time of all Control boxes and the Printout Station.  This prevents the time keeping electronics in each unit from drifting away from each other and ensures that the start-to-finish times and split times are accurate.

Rental Stick Form

Rental Sticks Form (PDF)

for managing the “rental” sticks.  All stick numbers are listed with a space to write the borrower’s name and course.  Also, a check box to indicate that the stick was returned. There is section on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pages of the form for keeping track of personal, Orienteer owned sticks. The third and forth pages lists the newly acquired 128-punch sticks. We have 98 sticks total: thirty(30) 30-punch sticks, nineteen(19) 50-punch sticks, and forty-nine(49) 128-punch sticks.

Manual Ranking Files

Manual Ranking PDF files (zipped)

This ZIP file contains the PDF files that can be used to manually display the current competition results on a rope or twine.  A rope is included in the ePunch equipment box and can be hung between two posts if present.  Fold over the top of each strip and staple or clip onto rope.  Put up course names to create a section for each course. Put the instructions with a marker by Printout Station to encourage the Orienteer to write and display their results on the rope or twine.

Control Inventory Form

Control Inventory Form (PDF)

For use during control collection to ensure that all controls are collected after the event.